Our Leadership Nara Synergy
Our co-founders combined the expertise gained through the public, private, businesses, as well as the community perspectives to create solution that is relevant and sustainable.
Nezatullah Ramadhan
Understanding the importance of education for people, Nezatullah (Neza) founded Yayasan Nara Kreatif in 2013. Since its establishment, the foundation has given free education for over 3000 beneficiaries in Indonesia. In 2020, Neza founded Nara Synergy.
In 2014, Neza was awarded the 1st Winner of Independent Sociopreneur (Wirausaha Sosial Mandiri). In the same year, he was also chosen as National Social Ambassador and Hasanah BNI Syariah Ambassador. In 2015, he represented the small-medium enterprises as delegate in Asian African Conference.
Fadi Filip
As Director
Fadi Filip, Director of Nara Synergy, is a digital strategist who has succeeded in bringing this company to become a market leader in the industry. Fadi is known for his transformative leadership style. He always encourages his mind to think creatively and look for innovative solutions. The core values that Fadi adheres to are integrity, innovation and collaboration. He always upholds high business ethics and encourages transparency in every aspect of the company.